I am a Filipino-American painter based in the brutal, beautiful and curious city of Las Vegas, Nevada. I graduated from UNLV with a BFA in fine art in 2007. I also attended CSN and received graphic / web design certifications. 

In 2012, after having worked as a faux finisher and graphic designer at a marketing firm, I went into freelance graphic design and opened an Etsy shop selling paintings and prints. I also started doing portrait commissions. Soon after, our family grew and I became a full-time stay-at-home-mom which naturally affected work with its ebbs and flows of being busy to doing just a few projects a year.

Fast forward to 2020, in an effort to find some peace and distraction from everything that was going on, I started doing paintings for myself again, using images from recent travels with my family. Ever since, I have fallen in love once again with the simple act of applying colorful gooey substances to a surface, and the challenge of creating something beautiful and personal. The act of making art for me isn’t to find a specific end, but it is to continue in exploring my ideas and skills, and just get to a place where I’ve discovered something.

Recently my work has evolved towards Southwest landscapes. Coming from the lushness of California’s terrain, seeing the beauty of the desert took some time. Now it has become a source of inspiration, trying to express my inner experiences as a visitor, dweller, explorer in its lands. The desert has become a place where I find refuge, a place where I can connect to my spirituality.

Other than art, I am busy with the daily happenings of family life with two young kids. We try to travel and explore Nevada and the surrounding states in our travel trailer, hopefully making meaningful moments and memories.


Meet the Team

Brian is born and raised in Las Vegas, NV. Joy is originally from the Philippines, then moved to LA and eventually settled in Las Vegas at the age of ten. They met at UNLV at the very first experimental art and engineering class, which launched the official Entertainment Technology & Design degree today. They became friends during the course, a couple years later started dating, and the rest is history.



Get in touch.

Thank you for your interest and feel free to message me if you have any questions.